Useful Links:
The Canadian Economics Association does not currently maintain a directory of resources for economists of its own. However, you may find the following external services useful:
Resources for Economists - a directory edited by Bill Goffe and sponsored by the American Economic Association.
Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centres in the World - maintained by Christian Zimmermann.
RePEc / IDEAS - a bibliographic database of working papers, articles, books, software etc.
RFE Conference Calendar - Comprehensive listing of forthcoming conferences worldwide
Online Tools of Potential Interest: [links to external sites]
OpportuNext: Online Career Transition Tool - free-to-use career tool created by the Conference Board of Canada in partnership with the Future Skills Centre.
Vancouver School of Economics COVID Risk/Reward Assessment Tool
Resources for Economics Job Openings:
The following is a list of job boards to assist with your search: is a non-profit service to facilitate the exchange of information on the academic job market
Job Openings for Economists (JOE)Â on the American Economic Association's website
Canadian Association of University Teachers [CAUT Bulletin]
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
Canadian Association for Business Economics Job Listings