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Current Issue and Forthcoming Papers

The following papers have been accepted for publication by the Canadian Journal of Economics and the publication plans listed below represent our best guess as to the contents of future issues of the CJE.  The Editorial Board reserves the right to change the contents of any forthcoming issue and the right to withhold from publication any paper listed below if, in their view, circumstances warrant.

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= full text (submitted paper). 


Volume 57, No.3   August 2024

Symposium on Misallocation & Structural Transformation

"Symposium on Misallocation and Structural Transformation: Introduction" by Tasso Adamopolous and Diego Restuccia

"Occupational Choice, human capital and financial constraints" by Rui Castro and Pavel Ševčík

"The Plant-Level View of Korea's Growth Miracle and Slowdown" by Munseob Lee and Yongseok Shin

"China's declining business dynamism" by Diego A. Cordeiro and Cian Ruane

"Family migration and structural transformation" by Huoqing Cao, Chaoran Chen, Xican Xi, and Sharon Xuejing Zuo

Original Article

"Explaining bitcoin ownership in Canada: Trends from 2016 to 2021" by Daniela Balutel, Walter Engert, Christopher S. Henry, Kim P. Huynh, and Marcel Voia

"The price of capital goods, investment and labour: Micro-evidence from a trade liberalization" by Sergii Meleshchuk and Yannick Timmer

"Gravity for cross-border licensing and the impact of deep trade agreements: Theory and evidence" by Naoto Jinji, Yukiko Sawada, Xingyuan Zhang, and Shoji Haruna

"Bilateralism vs. multilateralism: Role of political economy for the prospect of multilateral free trade" by Eric Conglin Chi and Halis Murat Yildiz

"Technology market, product market and aggregate innovation" by Shiyun Xia

"Political backlash and consumer boycotts: Evidence from the NFB relocation and movie demand in Canada" by Ricard Gil and Jingyi Xing

"Reproduce to validate: A comprehensive study on the reproducibility of economics research" by Sylvérie Herbert, Hautahi Kingi, Flavio Stanchi, and Lars Vilhuber

"Observational learning and firm dynamics" by Zachary Mahone and Filippo Rebessi

"Multi-plant firms and the heavy tail of firm size distribution" by Anindya S. Chakrabarti and Shekhar Tomar

Papers Accepted for Publication

"A comment on Dincecco et al. (2022): Pre-colonial warfare and long-run development in India" by Rachel Forshaw, Tim Ölkers, Ritika Sethi, and Manali Sovani

"On the empirical validity of “Gendered reactions to terrorist attacks can cause slumps not bumps” (Holman et al., 2022)" by Michael Jetter and Kieran Stockley

"Optimal self-insurance with genetic testing and state-dependent utility" by David Crainich

download"Rule of Law, Economic Structure and Development" by Roberto M. Samaniego and Juliana Y. Sun

download"Cross-retaliation and International Dispute Settlement" by Richard Chisik and Chuyi Fang

download"The Design of External Reference Pricing Schemes and the Choice of Reference Countries and Pricing Rules" by Laura Birg

download"Preferential Trade Liberalization with Endogenous Cartel Discipline: Implications for Trade and Welfare" by Delina E. Agnosteva, Constantinos Syropoulos, and Yoto V. Yotov

"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility" by Laszlo Goerke and Nora Paulus

download"Using Functional Shocks to Assess Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy in Canada" by Thorsten Koeppl, Jeremy M. Kronick, and James McNeill

download"Home Production and Time Use in an Epidemic" by Shaofeng Xu and Jie Feng

download"Outward Direct Investment as a Shelter from External Trade Policy Shocks: Firm-Level Investigation of the U.S.-China Trade War" by Haoyuan Ding, Haichao Fan, Guangyuan Guo, Guoyong Liang, and Tong Qi

download"Economic Implications of a Phased-in EV Mandate in Canada" by Ross McKitrick

download"Regional specialisation: from the geography of industries to the geography of jobs" by Antoine Gervais, James R. Markusen, and Anthony J. Venables

download"Revisiting Quebec's Quiet Revolution: A Synthetic Control Analysis" by Vincent Geloso and Chandler S. Reilly

download"Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Differ from Other Uncertainty Measures? Replication of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2016)" by Siye Bae, Soojin Jo, and Myungkyu Shim

download"How Do Exchange Rates Affect Environmental Quality?" by Doyoung Park and William Ridley

download"Behavior-Based Pricing with Overlapping Ownership" by Changying Li and Jianhu Zhang

download"The Local Effects of the First Golden Age of Globalization: Evidence from American Ports, 1870-1900" by Jeff Chan

download"Endogenous equity shares in duopoly markets with product differentiation" by Yi Li

download"The Economics of Canadian Immigration Levels" by Matthew Doyle, Mikal Skuterud, and Christopher Worswick

"Misallocation in the Chinese land market" by Xuan Fei, Yumin Hu, and Mingzhi (Jimmy) Xu

download"On the Trade Effects of GATT/WTO Membership: They are Positive and Large After All" by Mario Larch, José-Antonio Monteiro, Roberta Piermartini, and Yoto V. Yotov

download"School Ties and Evaluation Outcomes: Evidence from the Korean Basketball League" by Hoon Choi and Seik Kim

download"Welfare Improving Common Ownership in Successive Oligopolies: the Role of the Input Market" by Toshihiro Matsumara, X. Henry Wang, and Chenhang Zeng

download"What explains public support for Canada’s supply management regime?" by Ryan Cardwell and Chad Lawley

download"Product Differentiation, Demand Expansion and the Welfare Effects of Cross Ownership" by Swapnendu Banerjee, Arjit Mukherjee, and Sougata Poddar

download"Automation and Asymmetric International Spillovers of Technological Shocks" by Ryosuke Shimizu, Daigaku Ehime, Takayuki Ogawa, and Shohei Momoda

download"Production Networks and the Macroeconomic impacts of Commodity Price Shocks" by Shutao Cao and Wei Dong


Conditionally Accepted Papers

download"On the Heterogeneous Effects of Sanctions on Trade" by Gabriel Felbermayr, Constantinos Syropoulos, Erdal Yalcin, and Yoto V. Yotov

download"Personalized Medicine and Prevention: Can Cross-Subsidies Survive in the Health Insurance Markets?" by David Bardey and Philippe De Donder

download"Snowballing alongside Domino Effects on the Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements" by Jee-Hyeong Park and Jaeyoun Roh

download"How Protective are Border Carbon Taxes for Canadian Industry? The Critical Role of US Emissions Pricing" by Christoph Bohringer, Thomas Rutherford, and Eric Stewart

download"Going Green in China: Firms' Responses to Stricter Environmental Regulations" by Haichao Fan, Joshua Graff Zivin, Zonglai Kou, Xueyue Liu, and Huanhuan Wang

download"The Risks Cannot Be Compensated: The Willingness to Donate DNA for Science and its Relationship with Economic Preferences" by Richard Karlsson Linner and Manisha Jain

download"Impact of income position information on perceived tax burden and preference for redistribution: An online survey" by Elji Yamamura and Seinan Gakuin Daigaku

download"Unlocking the Impact of US Free Trade Agreements on Industries with a Synthetic Control Approach" by Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho and Hansoo Choi

download"Import Competition and Firm-Level CO2 Emissions: Evidence from the German Manufacturing Industry" by Jakob Lehr

download"Global Emissions, Regulatory Competition, and Excess Entry" by Hikaru Ogawa and Wenming Wang

download"Healthcare Utilization and Labor Market Responses to Health Shocks" by Hsuan-Chih Lin, Atsuko Tanaka, Heng-Jui Chang, and Chih-Han Hsueh

download"Evaluating the Impact of Export Finance Support on Firm-level Export Performance: Evidence from Pakistan" by Fabrice Defever, Alejandro Riano, and Gonzalo Varela

download"Physical restructuring and merger outcomes in Ontario hospitals" by Eliane Barker and Jenny Watt

download"Contribution to a public good with altruistic preferences" by Anwesha Banerjee

download"Can Digital Distribution Defy the Law of Gravity?" by Yuta Watabe, Han Yang, and Eugene Kanasheuski

download"Immigrant Business Ownership and Imports in Canada" by Loretta Fung and Huju Liu

download"Railroads, Land Cessions, and Indigenous Nations: Evidence from Canada" by Jeff Chan, Azim Essaji, and Rob Gillezeau

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