Canadian Public Policy is a separate legal entity from the CEA. CEA Members receive complimentary online access to Canadian Public Policy.
Aims and Scope
Since 1975, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques has been the foremost peer-reviewed journal examining economic and social public policy issues in Canada. It is directed at a wide readership including policy researchers, decision makers and advisers in governments, businesses, unions, non-government organizations and universities. CPP is available in print and online.
From the beginning the journal was intended to be multidisciplinary. It was founded as a separate charitable organization by the Canadian Economics Association with other sponsoring organizations the Canadian Political Science Association, the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, the Canadian Association of Geographers, the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, and the Canadian Association for Business Economics.
Journal Content & CEA Member Access
CEA members receive complimentary online access to all CPP/Adp issues at the University of Toronto Press. Please use the following link to authenticate your CEA membership and view online:
 CEA Member Access to CPP/Adp at UTPress
Editor/Rédacteur en chef
Michael Veall (McMaster University. He received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has taught at the University of Western Ontario, the University of Mannheim, Australian National University and Queen’s University. He has been a von Humboldt fellow at the University of Munich and an honorary professor at the University of York. He is a co-winner of the Purvis Prize for a work of excellence relating to Canadian economic policy and of the Vanderkamp Prize for the best article in 2005 in Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques. He was President of the Canadian Economics Association in 2011-12.
Kelly Foley (University of Saskatchewan, Department of Economics)
Stephen Gordon (Université Laval, Faculté des sciences sociales)
Peter Graefe (McMaster University, Department of Political Science)
Tammy Schirle (Wilfrid Laurier University, School of Business and Economics)
Anna Zajacova (University of Western Ontario , Department of Sociology)
Robert W. Dimand (Brock University, Faculty of Social Sciences)
Editorial Office/Bureau de rédaction
To contact Canadian Public Policy, please send an e-mail to Olivier Lebert at
Additional Information & Submissions
Please see the new CPP/Adp website (external re-direct) or visit the CPP pages at UTPress for more information about the journal including Instructions for Authors/Submissions, Open Access Policy & Instructions for Referees.
Call for Applications
Journal Content
CEA members please use the following link to authenticate your membership and read CPP/Adp online at the University of Toronto Press.
Additional Information
Please see the CPP/Adp website (external re-direct) or visit the CPP pages at UTPress for more information about the journal including Instructions for Authors/Submissions.