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Organizational History

Organizational History, 1967-2024


Anthony D. Scott* 1966-1967 Pierre Fortin 1995-1996
Grant L. Reuber* 1967-1968 Robin Boadway 1996-1997
M. C. Urquhart* 1968-1969 Michael Parkin 1997-1998
William C. Hood* 1969-1970 Craig Riddell 1998-1999
John F. Graham* 1970-1971 Lars Osberg 1999-2000
Harry C. Eastman* 1971-1972 Charles Blackorby 2000-2001
Clarence L. Barber* 1972-1973 James G. MacKinnon 2001-2002
Roger Dehem* 1973-1974 Jean-Marie Dufour 2002-2003
John H. Dales* 1974-1975 Curtis Eaton 2003-2004
J. C. Weldon* 1975-1976 Barbara Spencer 2004-2005
A. Edward Safarian* 1976-1977 Gregor Smith 2005-2006
H. Scott Gordon* 1977-1978 Gérard Gaudet 2006-2007
Gideon Rosenbluth* 1978-1979 Aloysius Siow 2007-2008
Tadek Matuszewski* 1979-1980 Ralph Winter 2008-2009
Richard G. Lipsey 1980-1981 James Brander 2009-2010
Ronald J. Wonnacott* 1981-1982 Victoria Zinde-Walsh 2010-2011
Douglas G. Hartle* 1982-1983 Mike Veall 2011-2012
André Raynauld* 1983-1984 Georges Dionne 2012-2013
Thomas A. Wilson 1984-1985 Thomas Lemieux 2013-2014
John F. Helliwell 1985-1986 Russell Davidson 2014-2015
Stephan F. Kaliski* 1986-1987 Charles Beach 2015-2016
David Laidler 1987-1988 Nancy Gallini1 2016-2017
Albert Breton* 1988-1989 Frances Woolley 2017-2018
James Melvin 1989-1990 Angela Redish 2018-2019
Marcel Boyer 1990-1991 M. Scott Taylor 2019-2020
Thomas J. Courchene 1991-1992 Nicole Fortin 2020-2021
Richard G. Harris 1992-1993 Francisco Ruge-Murcia 2021-2022
Peter Howitt 1993-1994 David Green 2022-2023
Alice Nakamura 1994-1995 Michelle Alexopoulos 2023-2024
    John Galbraith 2024-

1Jean-Yves Duclos was president-elect in 2015 and resigned when he was elected to parliament and later appointed to cabinet.


Gilles Paquet* 1966-1981 Frances Woolley 2004-2007
Richard J. Arnott* 1981-1984 Steve Ambler 2007-2012
Christopher Green 1984-1994 Robert Dimand 2012-2017
Michael Denny* 1994-2004 Werner Antweiler 2017-2018


Secretaries   Treasurers  
Ana Ferrer 2019- Werner Antweiler 2019-2021
    Brandon Schaufele 2021-


Editors of the Canadian Journal of Economics

Ian M. Drummond*, André Raynauld* 1968-1969 Robin Boadway 1987-1993
A. Asimakopoulos*, André Raynauld* 1969-1970 Lorne Carmichael 1993-1994
A. Asimakopoulos*, Robert Lévesque* 1971-1972 Curtis Eaton 1994-1997
Bernard Bonin*, Gideon Rosenbluth* 1972-1973 James Brander 1997-2001
G. C. Archibald*, Bernard Bonin* 1974 Michel Poitevin 2001-2005
Gideon Rosenbluth* 1975-1976 Dwayne Benjamin 2005-2008
Stephan F. Kaliski* 1977-1979 David Green 2008-2012
John F. Helliwell 1980-1982 Francisco Ruge-Murcia 2012-2018
Michael Parkin 1982-1987 Katherine Cuff 2018-2022
    Zhiqi Chen 2022-

Editors of Canadian Public Policy

John Vanderkamp* 1975-1982 Kenneth J. McKenzie 2002-2005
Anthony D. Scott* 1982-1986 Jim Davies 2005-2010
Kenneth Norrie 1986-1990 Herb Emery 2010-2015
Nancy Olewiler 1991-1995 Mike Veall 2015-
Charles M. Beach 1995-2002    


* deceased


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The Canadian Economics Association is a federal not-for-profit corporation.
GST/HST registration number: 803271592
QST registration number: 1225222921

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