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Economics Profession Data Committee | Comité des données sur la profession économique

2025 Student Research Competition: Diversity and Economics

Do you have new* research on diversity and inclusion in economics and want to gain visibility and connect with other researchers interested in the area? Here’s your chance to present your work at the cornerstone event of Canada’s foremost association of academic economists.

Submissions should be made by midnight Pacific Time on March 31st, 2025, to with "Student Research Competition " in the subject line.

Submissions should include a brief introduction, your CV, and research paper.

The winner will be announced and contacted for next steps shortly after April 1, 2025. Present at the 2025 CEA conference in Montreal, taking place from May 29 to May 31, 2025.

*Unpublished, original research where all authors meet the eligibility requirements of the competition.

 Eligibility Enrolled as a graduate student (MA or PhD) at a post-secondary institution in Canada at the time of submission.
The Competition

We invite submissions for both theoretical and empirical research papers on any topic considering economics and diversity. Priority will be given to papers that cover one or many of the following topics:

  • Diversity in the economics profession
  • The impact of diversity and inclusion on economic performance
  • Economic outcomes of underrepresented groups

Each applicant can submit one paper only. The submitted paper must be either single-authored or co-authored with other graduate students.

Judges will look for well-written research papers that address a clear research question framed in the context of the existing literature, use an appropriate methodology and data, and provide novel insights. Papers that use Canadian data will be given preference.

The Winner The winner will have a chance to present their research at the Canadian Economics Association Annual Meetings in Montreal (May 29-31, 2025). Travel expenses and conference registration will be reimbursed in alignment with CEA travel policies.

Why Participate?

Showcase your research Share your research ideas, increase the visibility of your work, and obtain feedback from other researchers.
Gain recognition Be recognized and rewarded for your outstanding work with your project and presentation shared on the CEDC webpage.
Network Connect and interact with economics professionals at the largest economics conference in Canada.

Enhance your communication skills

Improve your visual, organizational, and presentation skills. 

About the Economics Profession Data Committee (EPDC)

Following the recommendations from the Diversity Summit held in the spring of 2022, the CEA Board of Directors voted at the September 2022 board meeting to create the Economics Profession Data Committee (EPDC).

Data on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in the Canadian economics profession is required to evaluate the climate in the profession, promote research in the EDI field, and inform policy making. Currently, EDI data in Canada is sparse at best. The EPDC aims to fill this gap by exploring and compiling available data and leading the initiatives for new data collection. The goal of the EPDC is to initiate and maintain systematic collection of comprehensive EDI data on the Economics profession in Canada


Who we are

The Canadian Economics Association is a federal not-for-profit corporation.
GST/HST registration number: 803271592
QST registration number: 1225222921

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