Member Access CEA members please use the following link to authenticate your membership & read the CJE at Wiley Online Library | Call for papers: “The Future of Money”A special issue of the Canadian Journal of Economics is being planned on “The Future of Money,” organized by Jonathan Chiu and Steve Williamson. A related conference will also be hosted at the Bank of Canada. We seek high-quality research papers which shed light on the economic aspects of new forms of money, including their macroeconomic implications. We welcome contributions that explore, but are not limited to, the following questions:
The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2024. Click here for more details. The Canadian Journal of Economics endorses DCAS, the Data and Code Availability Standard [v1.0], and its data and code availability policy is compatible with DCAS. Aims and Scope The Canadian Journal of Economics (CJE) is a general interest journal that welcomes submissions in all fields. It receives around 300 submissions per year and publishes around 50 of these papers. In 2020, the median and mean time to a first decision were 74 and 81 days. The CJE seeks to maintain and enhance its position as a major internationally recognized general interest journal and is very receptive to high quality papers on any topic and from any source. In addition, as the Journal of the Canadian Economics Association, the CJE is very interested in high quality empirical papers about the Canadian economy or about Canadian economic issues. The Journal has existed in its current form since 1968, when it was created by the subdivision of the Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science (CJEPS) into two parts. The CJE and its forerunner, the CJEPS, have published many important papers in economics including, for example, Paul Samuelson's classic 1939 paper on the gains from trade. International trade remains an important field for the Journal, as does labour economics and open-economy macroeconomics. However, this pattern reflects submissions rather than editorial policy, and we encourage researchers in all fields to seriously consider the CJE as an alternative to the leading field journals and as a strong contender among the general interest journals. The CJE is interested in publishing papers in all areas of economics, with the exception of very narrow papers addressed to small specialist audiences. The Journal welcomes both theoretical and empirical papers. Most published papers will make use of formal economic models or formal econometrics (or both). However, the Journal will also consider other types of papers (case studies, descriptive essays, construction and reporting of interesting data, etc.) provided they are of extremely high quality. The Journal focuses primarily on original research, but review articles will also be considered. The CJE is indexed by the Journal of Economic Literature, the Social Science Citation Index, and other standard guides to academic literature. Replication data and codes for articles published in this journal are deposited in the CJE Dataverse on Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository. To contact us, please send an e-mail to Managing Editor
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Copy Editor: Kim Nesbitt |