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To view the current CEA Fellows and how to nominate a prominent economists who has spent a significant portion of their career in Canada to the title, please see the CEA Fellows Page. 


(Select on the award title below to view further details)

CEA Distinguished Service Award

The CEA Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding and lasting contributions to the Canadian Economics Association and to the community of academic economists in Canada. Award winners are selected by the CEA Board of Directors. Nominations are to be made to the Nominating Committee of the Board.

CWEC/CFÉC Sylvia Ostry Service Award

The CWEC Service Award is given in recognition of an individual's contribution to the status of women in the economics profession. Meritorious service can consist of (but is not limited to) exemplary service or achievement, professional mentoring, or research that advances understanding of women's advancement in the economics profession.  The word ‘women’ is interpreted quite broadly to include those who identify as a woman and those whose gender expression may be perceived by society as being associated with being a woman or female. The CWEC Service Award was given for the first time at the 2019 CEA meetings. 

CWEC/CFÉC Young Researcher Award

CWEC awards the CWEC Young Researcher Prize to a junior economist in Canada judged by the selection committee to have the best research record. The Research Prize was established in 2010 by CWEN and is presented at the CWEC/CFÉC luncheon held during the annual CEA Meetings. The recipient receives $2000. Please see the CWEC/CFÉC awrds page for the eligibility criteria. 

Doug Purvis Memorial Prize

This prize is awarded annually to honour the memory of the late Douglas D. Purvis. The award presented for a work of excellence relating to Canadian economic policy and published in the preceding year. The award is open to all forms of written media in which material relevant to Canadian economic policy appears, including a series of articles in newspapers or magazines, books, single articles in scholarly journals, government studies including monographs done for royal commissions, other official documents, and think-tank reports. To be eligible, the material must be in the public domain and primarily, but not necessarily exclusively, related to some issue in Canadian economic policy. The Prize is awarded by the Purvis family. The members of the selection committee are nominated by the CEA and CABE.

Harry Johnson Prize

The Canadian Economics Association awards the Harry G. Johnson Prize each year to the author or authors of the paper judged to be the best paper published in the Canadian Journal of Economics in the preceding calendar year. The Prize has a cash value of $2,000.

John Rae Prize

The CEA offers the Rae Prize every two years. The Prize is intended to recognize research excellence in the recent past and is not a life-time award. The Prize has a cash value of $5,000. The Prize has been named after John Rae, born in Scotland in 1796, who did most of his work in Canada and was a genuine precursor of endogenous growth theory.

John Vanderkamp Prize

The Vanderkamp Prize is awarded annually by the Canadian Public Policy for the best paper in the preceding year. The winning paper is selected by a multidisciplinary panel. Please see the CPP website for information about the Vanderkamp Prize including past winners.

Mike McCracken Award for Economic Statistics

The Mike McCracken Award for Economic Statistics recognizes theoretical and applied contributions to the development or use of economic statistics in Canada.

Robert Mundell Prize

The Canadian Economics Association awards the Robert Mundell Prize, worth $2,000, to the "young" author or authors of the paper judged to be the best paper published in the Canadian Journal of Economics in the previous calendar year.

Bank of Canada - CEA Undergraduate Poster Session Award

A poster competition held during the Annual Meeting to highlight the work of undergraduate students. Prizes for Best Research Paper and Best Poster are awarded.  


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