Status of Women Economists
CWEC/CFÉC | Report of the Status of Women EconomistsThe CWEC/CFEC Survey Report on the Representation of Women Economists in Canada’s Universities is part of our mission to promote women in the Economics profession in Canada. In 2013, the Canadian Women Economists Network (CWEN) conducted its first survey of female representation in Economics departments in Canada, similar to the American CSWEP survey, and to the pioneering 2001 report of the Special Committee on the Status of Women Economists in Canada. In this survey, we asked Department Heads to report the numbers of women and men faculty members at the different professorial ranks, as well as similar numbers among students who represent the future contingent of economists. The report described gender trends over the past decade among faculty members in departments of economics as well as university enrollment in economics in Canada using data from the CAUT Almanacs. It also compares those to similar trends in the United States. Publication of this report is now part of CWEC/CFEC’s regular activities. You can access the reports through the links below.